Hey Gang
In March the whole world went mad and we, Just Jammin’, decided to do a one-off online “show” on Facebook “live” as a way of dealing with all our gigs cancelling.Little did we know that we’d still be doing it in December!
I thought it might be interesting to look back at the “year that was” and see just what we have done in these past 10 months. Here are the highlights
- Show #1 – had the camera the wrong way around!
- Show #2 – different part of The Compound
- Show #3 – The beginning of the Kerri chant
- Show #6 – starting the show from the neighbours house so they could try to watch us online
- Show #7 – first studio audience
- Show#8-15 – various ways of choosing the song order, spin the wheel, live request, out of a hat
- Show #9 – By this show we had our own Compound Courtesy Bus to take our patrons home after the show, driven by our wonderful Bus Driver Michelle. The Compoundians weren’t always so accommodating and often threatened to lock her up, cause physical damage to the bus, spike her drinks and many other inventive ways of stopping her from picking them up!! Just like in a real venue!
- Show #16 – Remote Compound from my cousins’ house with The Crouch Clan
- Show #17 – Alex Hudson joins us live for the first of 3 visits to The Compound
- Show #18-24 – various themed nights with appropriate (or in appropriate – our 2nd 70s night Kerri appeared to be nude!) outfits to match
- Show #25 – The Compound became a “real” venue with the addition of our new sign thanks to Michelle our Compound Courtesy Bus Driver
- Show #27 – our first Saturday night and an event debacle that saw half our Compoundians miss the show
- Show #28 – our new Compound Shirts and water bottles thanks to Sue, Jackie and Alison
- Show #30 – special environmentally friendly dish cloths thanks to Pam
- Show #31 and 32 – Lisa goes it alone as Kerri has HSC marking. The Compoundians all missed Kerri’s “Story time”
- Show #36 – Alex returns and, co-incidentally, its 70s night again. Is this a theme?
- Show #38 – first week we missed since it began as Lisa had a serious back issue
- Show #39 (but technically #38) A very Compound Christmas and the last show for 2020
We also received some hand made pot holders but I neglected to write down when that was (thanks Pam)
We’ve had people from all over the world watching us. Friends from places like:
- All over the UK
- Mexico
- San Fransisco
- Las Angeles
- Scotland
- All over Australia
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- South Dakota
- Onboard Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth
It’s been absolutely amazing to find that our little bit of silliness each Friday night has managed to put a smile on someone’s face somewhere in the world
We’ve sung 582 songs of which:
- 30 were originals
- 2 were written during lock down
- 116 were brand new songs we have learned since we started
We’ve had views each week averaging 900 a show with a grand total of 38,223!!
It’s been our very great priviledge think that ANYONE at all would join us, let alone KEEP joining us 10 months later.
As we head into Christmas, and things remain uncertain, we want to wish you all the best at this time. We hope you are able to spend it with your loved ones and if you can’t, we wish you strong wifi connection and unlimited minutes. Be safe and see you all in the 2021

Thankyou both Lisa & Kerry for all the songs n laughs throughout the year , even to those who wanted to damage the courtesy bus 🚎 lol 😂. I’ve became friends with alott of the ladies whom follow your gigs n I’m so happy to be part of the Compound Family n friends.
To all whom have now become my friend on Facebook thankyou so much , it’s great to talk to you all n have a laugh with many of you.
With things the way they are ATM I maybe back in the new year with a new bus 🚌 just waiting on the go ahead.
Thanks so much again to Lisa & Kerri from Just Jammin n I hope you all have a very merry Christmas with yr loved ones. 🦋😉💗💋🚎
It’s been our pleasure to have you all in our home. Thanks for the laughs. Much love for Christmas
During 2020 Friday nights started at 730pm . A new venue, The Compound, was found. This became the base for the fabulous Just Jammin’ duo. Word spread quickly that live music was available despite the virus. Only one gig was missed. Family members Beno, Elvis and Granny were the first members of the studio audience. The ladies repertoire was extensive with new numbers given their first outing. Then there were the numbers found when an errant audience member decided to raid the music vault on a regular basis. Lisa and Kerri thank you for keeping the music alive for us. It was a unique experience that I was honoured to be a part of. I wish you both a peaceful holiday with your families. Take care and I look forward to seeing you next by ear. Much love.
Thank so much for your input each Friday. We are lucky to have you as our Glen A Baker of The Compound. All the best for Christmas
You ladies are both very special. The night i was sitting at Sue’s house. Because I was not coping with the lock down. And she streamed the compound on to the TV. Was the best Frid night of my life. I have made so many friends in the compound. So thank you Sue. For introducing me to the compound. But most of all thank you Lisa & Kerri. For entertaining us each Friday night in the compound. Wish you all a very merry Christmas. And looking forward to seeing you all in 2021 xx
What would we have ever done without you beautiful ladies. You have been our saving grace in this crazy year. Im sure all everyone will join me in standing and giving you the ovation you so truly deserve.
It was so amazing to actually see you in real life on Saturday night.
Absolutely amazing stats, girls. Haven’t missed a show. Loved them all. Stay safe and have a wonderful Christmas.
Love and best wishes from
Pam Stewart
That was amazing information. I am laying here crying ( yes I am a sook ) Lisa and Kerri Friday nights were my saving grace and with being totally locked up in Melbourne with curfews and 5 km radius you both cared, checked in on me BUT most importantly you brought complete strangers together in The compound who have now become friends but again more importantly have become the compound family and I am very privileged to be a part of that.
Yes I am guilty of threatening the bus driver ( I really do love you Michelle) along with muttley.
As Sydney and NSW are heading into uncertain times I will be praying for you all as I truly know how you are feeling.
Merry Christmas Lisa, Kerri and compound family and see you in 2021
Hey Alison
You nearly had me crying there! Thanks so much for supporting us and all the very best for Christmas and a better 2021
Lisa xx
Thank you Alison. 🦋💗😉 yes u definitely were one of the culprits lol 😂 but I honestly had a great laugh , you are all a great bunch of people. Let’s continue to pray for one another at this difficult time n remember we are always a chat away if you’re feeling down.
Take care n all the best to you n your loved ones this Christmas n I will definitely c u on live stream when Just Jammin are back. Love to all.
Michelle 💗😉👏🎄💐🙏💋🚎🚎
I know you girls have missed performing live, but Friday nights have changed for us now (for the better). The alarm is set so we don’t miss your fabulous performances!!!!
Thankyou for bringing joy to everyone at this crazy time, thankyou for your commitment to entertaining and THANKYOU for your beautiful music. You are both so talented. We are so lucky that you keep sharing with us all.
Love you both…..xxxxxx
Hey Fitzies
You are awesome and we are so grateful for you all AND your support of us…..both onine and in real life!
Love you all xxx