Hey Gang
I hope you are all doing well, despite the challenges that are all around us at the moment. Just wanted to share a few things that have been happening lately and maybe make you smile.
FINAL RECORDING SESSION – We have finished the last of the actual recording on the album “Constant Craving – The Music of kd lang” or, as I like to call it “Lisa does kd” HAHA.
The last notes that we recorded were actually on Brass Instruments! Don’t worry, no COVID restrictions were violated during this process. We had a track we wanted to add a little “extra” to……we wanted to make it…..

So I jumped in the booth with my trusty (rusty!) Trumpet and my Grandfather’s Trombone (serial number 72 – seriously old!) Needless to say I’m MUCH slower recording brass than I am singing, so my Producer, Dan Skeed @Skeed_Music, had to be super patient. And , he sure was. We got some great little highlights for the track and now the album is almost officially ready to be Mastered – which means almost ready for you guys to hear.

It’s been so cool to get these songs recorded and use all these instruments – 12 String Guitars (me), Hand Percussion (me), Electric Guitar (Dan Skeed), Mandolin and Pedal Steel Guitar (Jake J Wilson) and Bassoon (Kerri Lacey) as well as some digitally created sounds too. I’m really pleased with all of it.
STILL IN THE COMPOUND – Thank goodness we started this idea back in March when the world changed overnight because we still don’t have any LIVE gigs.
Thanks to The Compound, we have a way of keeping our “chops up” or our musical skills, and a way to keep in contact with our audience – any of you who might drop in at any time. We are so grateful that you are still waching and participating and helping us out with all the requests.
Speaking of that, I figured we have added about 80 songs to our repertoire that we have either never played before, or only had a passing knowledge of (which I have discovered ON AIR a couple of times!!) That’s another positive to come out of this situation.
This week’s theme is BEST COVER VERSIONS or REVIVALS of songs and it looks like being a fun night. As usual you can tune in here www.facebook.com/lisacrouch1 at 7.30pm every Friday night (possibly until the end of time!!) You can also go here www.lisacrouch.com.au/live-the-compound to check out all 23 shows we have done so far.
Thanks again for all your support and remember we are here for you and your friends are just a call away if you need help or just a chat
Stay Safe out there